Cingular Cell Phones

With more than 48 million subscribers, Cingular Wireless is the largest wireless cell phone company in the United States. The company is a joint venture between the domestic wireless divisions of SBC (NYSE: SBC) and BellSouth (NYSE: BLS) and as such, Cingular cell phone subscribers are assured of using only the nation’s largest digital voice and data network.

Cingular Wireless offers a plethora of various products and services, including Digital Wireless Voice, Rollover, Cingular Nation Rate Plans, Voice Connect, and of course, the Cingular cell phones which in themselves come with a host of other features and services.

As a cell phone carrier, Cingular lets you choose the type of phone you want of all models and makes. Let’s take the Samsung X427M Cingular cell phone, for example. This Cingular cell phone has an ultra cool, silver chassis that’s just oozing with style and elegance. As with all Samsung cell phone models, the X427M Cingular cell phone comes with an individualistic clam-shell style which you can snap open every time you the answer the phone.

Do you like multimedia interactivity all in one, tiny box that slips right through your pocket? The X427M Cingular cell phone is Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) capable. So you can send, receive, and create multimedia messages complete with text, video, and audio to your friends and family.

Communication has never been better with the X427M Cingular cell phone. Are you all for instant messenger services? The Samsung X427M Cingular cell phone allows you to access your AOL Instant Messenger on your mobile. So you can chat and connect with all your online friends even while on the go and even without your computer.

The X427M Cingular cell phone is also data connect capable. It features 128 x 160 pixel, 65k color display screen, perfect for receiving all those colored MMS messages you’re getting. This Cingular cell phone model also has a 40-tone polyphonic speaker so you can listen to great audio clips of the hippest, coolest music to hit the audio world.

Downloads, anyone? The X427M Cingular cell phone allows you to download supertone/music ring tones and graphics, games, and more. It also comes with a personal organizer where you can manage all your daily activities and plans for this week. The Cingular cell phone’s personal organizer comes with a calendar, a calculator, and to-do lists.

Have a lot of friends or acquaintances? The X427M Cingular cell phone allows you to store up to 500 alphanumeric phone book entries. So gone is your problem of memory usage in your phone book. Now, you can store everyone’s contact numbers without having to delete any old entries.


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